Can you match these prefixes, suffixes, and word roots with their definitions?

Can you match these prefixes, suffixes, and word roots with their definitions?

  1. chrom-
  2. trans-
  3. -some (or soma-)
  4. aqu- (or aqua-)
  5. -elle
  6. bi-
  7. inter-

  • color: chrom-
  • across: trans-
  • body: -some (or soma-)
  • water: aqu- (or aqua-)
  • little, small: -elle
  • two: bi-
  • between: inter-

Can you match these prefixes, suffixes, and word roots with their definitions?

  1. mito-
  2. eu-
  3. -cyte (or cyto-)
  4. a- (or an-)
  5. chloro-
  6. endo-
  7. ex-

  • thread: mito-
  • true, good: eu-
  • cell: -cyte (or cyto-)
  • without, lack of, not: a- (or an-)
  • green: chloro-
  • inside, inner: endo-
  • out of: ex-

Can you match these prefixes, suffixes, and word roots with their definitions?

  1. hypo-
  2. -phyll
  3. sym-
  4. phago-
  5. -plasm
  6. hyper-
  7. micro-

  • below, less than: hypo-
  • leaf: -phyll
  • same: sym-
  • eat: phago-
  • formed substance: -plasm
  • above, greater than: hyper-
  • small: micro-

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